The use of the EESZT for health service providers

The National eHealth Infrastructure (EESZT) is an integrated platform available 24 hours a day. Its central services can be accessed at anytime from anywhere in the world via the health service providers’ own IT systems.

Each and every patient’s medical data is stored on a central database within the EESZT, all information can be downloaded by authorized health personnel through their official computer systems based at the health care provider, general practitioners, medical specialist and pharmacies.

The services provided by the EESZT makes medical processes fast and transparent. The system enables effective and prompt data exchange, including transferability of important patient data and patients’ documents when required by other departments (CT, MR, lab and other diagnostics). With this centralised data exchange, each department will have immediate access to the medical history of the patient and is able to access any necessary medical documents from other health service providers.

The EESZT enables effective communication within the health sector with the highest level of data and cyber protection. The system is able to serve approximately 100,000 health personnel at the same time; this is equivalent to approximately 40 percent of the total number of users.