The National eHealth Infrastructure (EESZT) was launched in 2017 with general practitioners, pharmacies, publicly funded institutions providing outpatient and inpatient care as members. One year later the National Ambulance Service and some private health care providers also joined the system. By implementing this sectoral IT development of unprecedented depth, the government laid the foundations of the Hungarian digital health care system. To ensure that the opportunities and benefits offered by the EESZT can be fully exploited by patients and the healthcare system, the system will be complemented with new advancements in the near future. These will further facilitate, accelerate and – at least as importantly – enhance the security of healthcare in Hungary.
As part of the EFOP – 1.9.6-16-2017-00001 Flagship project relating to electronic development in the health sector, the development projects implemented within the framework of the Széchenyi 2020 programme cover the following areas: