Standardisation of documents, materials produced in the course of care

In addition to data migration detailed under the menu item Data upload – i.e. uploading of data generated in the five years preceding launch of the EESZT – the next step of development will be the standardisation of electronic documents generated in the hospital IT systems in the course of healthcare. This step will result in the formal and substantive standardisation of the system referred to in Union recommendations and standards. This requires comprehensive work, as it involves standardisation of electronically issued documents of the hospital information systems (HIS), and introduction of new types of documents will also be necessary on the basis of new needs. This will enable full machine processing and efficient searching of data. Owing to this development, information generated by other health care providers – included in the patient’s medical history – will be integrated automatically with the software of the given health care institution. This will amount to profound change, as systematic and processed health data will support medical decisions at a higher level. 


Updated: 12.11.2020.